Disability Insurance | Jim Ngo - Ontario, CA

Meet Parker! Like all of us, Parker is travelling on life's journey. He has completed school and is now in the working world. Building his lifestyle around his paycheck. Parker is paying for things like his sporty car, utilities, and his home. He is working hard and putting in long hours at work to pay for his new lifestyle. New expenses keep being added, but Parker's income is rock-solid. Things are looking great for Parker. He is young, healthy and doing well financially... until the unexpected happens.

Parker isn't feeling well. He misses a few days from work and decides to visit his doctor. The news is not what Parker was expecting. Turns out he's not going to be able to return anytime soon. This is a devastating setback for Parker. ​If he is not earning a paycheck, how will he pay for his bills?

Parker was smart. He purchased income protection. Parker knew that disability income insurance is a building block for a strong financial foundation. It goes to work when you can't. Be like Parker and protect your paycheck.

By: Ameritas
